So much has been going on!

So much has been going on!

I haven't had a minute to sit down and update you on the latest around the studio.  Last Thursday night Mark Arts held a Vault Event at my art studio and at a neighbor's home.  So, of course, I was running around like a chicken with my head cut off getting ready all week.  Then, the big night came!  We started out at my neighbor's house looking at all of the amazing artwork that they have collected over the past few decades.   To hear the stories about each piece and to see it expertly curated was a real treat.  Plus they served wine and appetizers so we were all quite happy.  Next stop was my art studio and home.  Again we served wine but this stop was desserts.  People had a chance to see the studio in full working mode.  I left my works in progress out and supply cabinets open for them to peruse.  The evening went by quickly in just two short hours but it really was a lot of fun!  There are some pictures below for you to get a glimpse of the evening.  

Now I'm busy getting ready for a Final Friday show the end of this month!   

studio organizationTalking art with Babs MellorFun conversationsSennelier Oil Pastels are the best!Sold a peace sign that night!  20% goes to Mark Arts.  Gordon's stories are the best!Chris wowed us with her fun stories too.

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