Art Marketing Bootcamp
So a couple weeks ago I told you all that I was going to an Art Marketing Boot Camp in Cape Cod. I went, and I'm back and more enthusiastic than ever.
The boot camp started with a general overview of what were going to learn over the next few days and getting to know one another. There were 8 of us in the boot camp including our instructor Leslie Saeta aka "marketing genius". Within about 30 minutes of our first meeting I realized I knew nothing whatsoever about marketing my art. The following three days I was completely immersed in learning all about branding, websites, social media, blogging and newsletters. The house full of extremely talented artists in all different mediums. Not only did we learn a lot from the program but we learned a lot from one another. One change you all may have already noticed is that I have changed my Instagram name to iPaintHearts. Why? Because I paint hearts, simple huh? Why hadn't I ever thought of that before? I've also made some changes to my website so hopefully it's easier to maneuver around. www.pollygentry.com I'm still working on blogging once a week and hoping to make it all really interesting. I'm over in Pinterest a bit more now too. Hey I'm always open for suggestions too! So please feel free to comment below. Let me know what you think about the changes and if there's anything I'm missing... |